Well written article. This is definitely something that needs to be addressed more often. I see it every day and most of the people I know have in some way been affected by this division. Something needs to change to even out the playing field. I know so many people with so many good ideas…

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Tech gives the rich new toys while perpetuating the criminalization of poverty

Well written article. This is definitely something that needs to be addressed more often. I see it every day and most of the people I know have in some way been affected by this division. Something needs to change to even out the playing field. I know so many people with so many good ideas and inventions that just don’t have the resources to follow their dreams because they were not raised in an environment that allowed for that financial support. I would love to join in and start more of these companies that reach out to those who need the support instead of creating things that only broaden that division.

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